Youtube Ads Training Guide / PART #2

 Chapter 6: Generating More Sales With A Product Consideration Campaign On YouTube 

Hey there everyone! YouTube is one of the most commercial websites you can  

find. Explainer videos and video reviews can easily help you sell just about  

anything to an audience that gets fired up about watching their favorite  

products in action. 

And you can easily boost sales by helping your product videos with a YouTube Ads campaign. That is why today we are going to show you how to generate more sales on YouTube with a product consideration campaign! 

Getting Started

Start on your Google Ads dashboard. Click on the “campaigns” tab located on the left-hand menu. On the following page, click on the “plus” button, and then on the “new campaign” option. 

Now select the “product and brand consideration” option from the campaign  

goal selection screen. This campaign goal will provide you with settings that are  

optimized to help you sell more of your products. 

Now select “video” as your campaign type. Now it is time to select a campaign subtype. You can choose from two types of campaign subtypes when creating product consideration campaigns. 

You can select “influence consideration” to create video ad campaigns that  

showcase your brand and products. 

Or you can select “shopping” to create video ad campaigns to directly promote 

specific products and to drive people to your online store. Please note that you  

need a Google Merchant account in order to select the “shopping” campaign  


For this example we are going to select “influence consideration”. You can click  

on “continue” after selecting the campaign subtype. 

Creating The Campaign 

Now it is time to create your new campaign. Start by entering the name of the  

new campaign in the “campaign name” field. 

Now select your “budget type”, and then enter your budget amount below.  

Now select your “start and end dates”. When you select “product  

consideration” as your campaign goal, the only bidding strategy available is  

“maximum cost-per-view”, so you can continue straight to the next settings.


Next up we recommend you to leave all “networks” selected. Now select your  

target “languages”, and then your target “locations”. 

Scroll down to the “ad group” section and enter the name of the ad group for  

this campaign in the “ad group name” field. 

Now move to the “people” section to define your audience. Click on the  

“demographics” menu to define your demographic targeting. 

Now click on the “audiences” menu to define the audience that will see your  

ads. For product consideration campaigns, the best strategy is to define  

audiences that are ready to buy. To do this, click on the “browse” tab.  

Now click on “what they are actively searching or planning”. Now click on the “in-market audiences” display menu button, and then select a category. 

Now move to the “content” section to narrow your reach. Start on the  

“keywords” menu. Here you have to enter your product keywords and buyer  

search terms in the keywords column, each one separated by a line.

Now click on the “topics” menu to select target topics from the display menu.  

Your ads will be triggered on videos and content that cover the topics that you  

select here. 

Now click on the “placements” menu. Here you can select specific placements  

where to show your ads. For example, you can show your product consideration  

ads on high-traffic YouTube videos by typing a product keyword in the  

placements search bar, and then selecting the placement category. You can then  

select multiple videos from the list. You can apply these same steps if you want to select YouTube channels or websites instead of videos. 

Now enter your “maximum cost-per-view” bid in the “bidding” section. This is the maximum amount that you are willing to pay for each view on your ad. 

Creating The Ad 

Now move over the “create your video ad” section and paste the URL of the  

product video that you want to promote in the “search for a video” field.

Next up you have to select the ad format. You have two ad formats available  

when creating product consideration campaigns: “in-stream ad” and “video  

discovery ad”. For this example we are going to select “in-stream ad”. 

When creating an in-stream ad for a product consideration campaign, you’ll  

simply have to enter your landing page or online store URL in the “final URL” field. Now click on the “display URL” field to generate a display URL for your video ad. 

You can check the “call-to-action” box to include a CTA button on your ad. If you  

activate the “call-to-action” you’ll simply have to enter a call-to-action text in the  

“call-to-action” field and a brief headline in the “headline” field. 

Next up select “autogenerate” companion banner and then enter a name for  

your new ad in the “ad name” field. Check how your product consideration ad  

will look on mobile and desktop placements in the preview window on the right,  

and then click on “save and continue”. 

Now review all your campaign settings on the following page and click on  

“continue to campaign” when you’re ready. Awesome! This is how you can  

quickly and easily increase sales with a YouTube Ads campaign!

Chapter 7: Generating Cheap Video  

Impressions With Skippable In 

Stream Ads 

Hello there friends! In online marketing, sometimes all you need is some  

exposure. There are viewers that will skip your video ads because they’re not  

familiar with your brand or business, but all it takes to get them to pay attention  

is to show them your video until they stop and watch to see what it is all about. 

Today we are going to teach you the easiest and cheapest way to generate lots  

of video impressions on YouTube, step by step. 

Getting Started

Start on your Google Ads account. Click on the “campaigns” tab. Now click on  

the “plus” button and then on the “new campaign” option. 

Now select “brand awareness and reach” as your campaign goal. This option will  

provide you with campaign settings that are optimized to reach a broader  

audience and build awareness about your brand, without spending too much. 

Now select “video” as the campaign type. Select “skippable in-stream” as the  

campaign subtype and then click on “continue”. 

Creating The Campaign 

Now it is time to create your new video ad campaign. Start by entering the name  

of the campaign in the “campaign name” field. 

Now move to the “budget” section and select your budget “type”. We  

recommend you to select “daily” and to start on a budget of $5 to $10. You will split your average daily budget in equal fractions to make the most of it. We’ll discuss this in a moment, once we reach the “bidding” section.

Now select your “start and end dates”. Because the “bidding strategy” and  

“networks” can’t be changed under this campaign subtype, you can skip both  

and simply select your target “languages” and “locations”. 

Next up you can scroll down and enter the name of the ad group for this  

campaign in the “ad group name” field. 

Now it is time to define your audience and narrow your reach. It is crucial that  

you target the right audience data and the right keywords to get the most out of your ad spend. 

First, move to the “people” section to define your audience. Click on the  

“demographics” menu to define your demographic targeting. 

Now click on the “audiences” menu to define the attributes of the audience that  

will see your ads. Simply click on the “browse” tab, and browse attributes such as interests and custom intents from the available menus. 

Now move to the “content” section to narrow your reach. Click on the  

“keywords” menu, and enter your target keywords and search terms in the  

keywords column, each one separated by a line. Your video ads will be triggered  

on YouTube videos and channels that contain these keywords. 

Now click on the “topics” menu to select a topic from the display menu. Your  

ads will be triggered on videos and content that cover your selected topics. 

Now click on the “placements” menu. Here you can select specific placements  

to show your ads. For example, if you want to show your video ads on specific YouTube videos, you’ll simply have to type one of your target keywords in the search bar, and then click on “YouTube” videos. You can now select on which videos you are going to show your ads.

Now move to the “bidding” section. Here you are going to enter the maximum  

amount that you are willing to pay per thousand impressions. Here we  

recommend you to enter 10% of your daily budget. For example, if your daily  

budget is $5, then your “target CPM” here is $0.50. 

Creating The Ad 

Now it is time to create the ad. Paste the URL of the YouTube video that you  

want to use to promote your brand or business in the “search for a video” field. 

By default, the video ad format for this campaign is “in-stream” and can’t be  

changed. These video ad format allows you to show your video to viewers for a full 5 seconds, after which they’ll have the option to skip it. 

Now enter your business website URL in the “final URL” field. Now click on the “display URL” field to generate a display URL to show on your ad. 

You can optionally check the “call-to-action” box to add a CTA button to your  

video ad. For this example we’ll simply skip creating a CTA button.

Now select to “autogenerate” companion banner, or to “upload an image” for  

your companion banner. Now enter a name for your video ad in the “ad name”  


Now click on “save and continue”. Review your campaign settings on the  

following page and click on “continue to campaign”. Awesome! With this  

campaign you’ll be able to generate up to 10,000 qualified video impressions on  

the cheap!

Chapter 8: Getting More Qualified  

Views With Bumper And non 

skippable Video Ads 

As an online marketer, you know full well that the best way to qualify  

prospective leads or buyers is by interrupting their experience and locking their attention with a well-timed pop-up opt-in. 

Today we are going to show you how to set up short video ads that can’t be  

skipped, which can help you to get your message across much more easily. 

Getting Started

Start on your Google Ads account. Click on the “campaigns” tab. On the  

following page, click on the “plus” button and then on the “new campaign”  


Now select “brand awareness and reach” as your campaign goal. This option will  

allow you to select campaign subtypes that provide you with non-skippable ad  


Now select “video” as the campaign type. Now it is time to select the campaign  

subtype. The two campaign subtypes that allow you to create non-skippable  

video ads are “bumper” and “non-skippable in-stream”. 

“Bumper” campaigns allow you to create video ads that are 6 seconds long.  

They’re very cost-efficient and are a great way to send quick marketing  

messages and promotions. 

“Non-skippable in-stream” allow you to create video ads that are 7 to 15 seconds  

long, and they’re a great way to launch TV-style advertising campaigns to send your entire message. 

Both campaign subtypes allow you to adjust the same configurations and have  

the same default values, and they just differ in the length of the videos that they  

allow you to promote. 

For this example, we are going to select “non-skippable in-stream” to promote a  

7 second video from our channel. 

You can click on continue to move to the next step after selecting the campaign  


Creating The Campaign 

Now it is time to create the video ad campaign. Start by entering the name of  

the campaign in the “campaign name” field. 

Now move to the “budget” section and select your budget “type”. Then enter  

your total or daily spend in the average spend field. 

Now select your “start and end dates”. The settings in “bidding strategy” and  

“networks” can’t be changed under this campaign subtype, so you can skip  

them. Continue by selecting your target “languages” and “locations”. 

Now scroll down and enter the name of the ad group for this campaign in the  

“ad group name” field. 

Now you have to define your audience and narrow your reach. It is important  

that you target the right audience data as well as the right keywords in this  

section in order to get only very qualified views.

Start on the “people” section to define your audience. Click on the  

“demographics” menu to define your demographic targeting. 

Then click on the “audiences” menu to define the audience that will see your  

ads. Click on the “browse” tab, and browse attributes that best define your  


Now move to the “content” section to narrow your reach. Click on the  

“keywords” menu, and enter your target keywords and search terms in the  

keywords column, each one separated by a line. Your non-skippable video ads  

will appear on YouTube videos and channels that contain these keywords. 

Now click on the “topics” menu to select a topic. Your ads will appear on videos  

and content that cover these topics. Now click on the “placements” menu if you  

want to select specific placements to show your ads.  

Now move to the “bidding” section and enter the maximum amount that you  

are willing to pay for each thousand times your video is advertised on other  


Creating The Ad 

Now it is time to create the ad. Paste the URL of the YouTube video that you  

want to advertise in the “search for a video” field. Remember that if you select  

“bumper” as the campaign subtype, your video has to be 6 seconds long, and if you selected “non-skippable in-stream”, your video has to be between 7 and 15 seconds long. 

As you can see, the default video ad format in this campaign is “non-skippable  

in-stream”, and it can’t be changed.

Now enter the URL that you want to promote with your ad in the “final URL”  

field. Now click on the “display URL” field to generate a display URL to show on  

your ad. 

Now select to “autogenerate” companion banner, or to “upload an image” for  

your companion banner. Now enter a name for your video ad in the “ad name”  


Now click on “save and continue”. Review your campaign settings on the 

following page and click on “continue to campaign”. And that is it! Now your 

video will be viewed by thousands of YouTube users within moments!

Chapter 9: Reaching More Mobile 

Users With An Optimized Outstream 

Video Ad 

Hello there everyone! You don’t have to be a marketing expert to know that  

mobile use is on the rise. More than 60% of video views are from mobile devices,  

and not all are on YouTube. 

That’s why today we are going to show you how you can easily create video ad campaigns that will help you to reach a broad mobile audience outside of  

YouTube, step by step. 

Getting Started

Start on the Google Ads dashboard. Click on the “campaigns” tab and then on  

the “plus” button. Now click on “new campaign”. 

On the following page, select “brand awareness and reach” as your campaign  

goal. This is the only type of campaign goal that allows you to create video ads optimized to reach mobile users in the Display Network. 

Now select “video” as the campaign type, then select “outstream” as the  

campaign subtype. “Outstream” campaigns help you reach more people directly  

on their phones and tablets with outstream ads that are optimized with  

viewable cost-per-mile bids. Click on “continue” after selecting the campaign  

subtype to start creating the campaign. 

Creating The Campaign 

Now it is time to create your new outstream campaign. Start by entering the  

name of the campaign in the “campaign name” field.

Now move to the “budget” section. Select your budget “type” and then enter  

the average you want to spend below. Now select your “start and end dates”. 

By default, “viewable cost-per-mile” or “vCPM” is selected as the bidding  

strategy and it can’t be changed. Viewable cost-per-mile bids allow you to pay  

per each thousand times when your video ad is shown in a viewable position on mobile devices. This bidding strategy maximizes your chances of generating thousands of qualified views without having to pay for each unique view.  

One thing that you’ll notice is that you can select your target “networks”. This is  

because outstream ads are designed to reach mobile users on partner video  

networks in the display network. So you can simply skip “networks” and select your target “languages” as well as your target “locations”. 

Now scroll down and enter the name of the ad group for this campaign in the  

“ad group name” field. 

Now it is time to define your audience and narrow your reach.  

First, click on the “demographics” menu in the “people” section to define your demographic targeting. Now click on the “audiences” menu to define the  

audience that will see your ads.  

Now move to the “content” section to narrow your reach. Click on the  

“keywords” menu, and enter your target keywords and search terms in the  

keywords column, each one separated by a line. 

Now click on the “topics” menu to select the topic from the display menu. 

Now click on the “placements” menu if you want to select specific placements  

where you want to show your outstream ads. Please note that you can only 

select websites and apps as placements when you create outstream ad  


Lastly, on the “bidding” section you have to enter your maximum viewable cost 

per-mile bid. This is the maximum amount that you are willing to pay for each  

thousand times that your video ad is shown on viewable placements. We  

recommend you to test maximum bids between $0.25 and $0.50 to get started. 

Creating The Ad 

Now it is time to create the ad. Paste the URL of the YouTube video that you  

want to advertise on mobile in the “search for a video” field. By default, the  

video ad format for this campaign is “outstream” and can’t be changed. 

Now it is time to customize the ad creative. First, select a thumbnail. Now enter a “headline”. Here we recommend you to enter the name of your business or the name of your product.

Now enter a brief “description” that relates to your headline. If you entered the  

name of your business above, then describe what your business offers. Now  

enter a call-to-action text for the “call-to-action” button in the ad. 

Now click on the “choose file” button and upload the logo of your brand or  

business. Now enter your business website URL in the “final URL” field. Now enter a name for your video ad in the “ad name” field. 

You can check the preview window on the right to see how your ad will look on

outstream placements. 

Now click on “save and continue” and review your campaign settings on the 

following page. Click on “continue to campaign” to send it for approval. And 

that is it! Now you can start generating qualified views outside of YouTube, even 

on the go!


Chapter 10: Generating Email Leads 

With A YouTube Ads Campaign 

Hey there friends! When people are on YouTube, watching and searching for  

videos about topics in your target niche, they’re already qualified to become  

business leads that you can nurture with a well-planned email campaign. 

Today we’re going to teach you an easy way to capture email leads with  

YouTube Ads, step by step. 

Getting Started 

Start on your Google Ads dashboard. Click on the “campaigns” tab. Now click on  

the “plus” button and then on “new campaign”.

On the following page, select “leads” as your campaign goal. This option will  

provide you with campaign settings that are optimized to help you get leads by encouraging viewers to take action. 

Before you continue, make sure that you’ve installed conversion tracking on the  

web page that you are going to use to capture your email leads. Now select  

“video” as the campaign type, and then click on “continue”. 

Creating The Campaign 

Now it is time to create your lead capture campaign. Start by entering the name  

of the campaign in the “campaign name” field. 

Now select your budget “type” and enter your budget amount. Now select your  

“start and end dates”. 

Now select your “bidding strategy”. Because this campaign type is designed to generate conversions, the only bidding strategies available are “maximize  

conversions” and “target CPA”.


If you select “maximize conversions” you can automate bids so you can get the  

most conversions within your budget. You should select this strategy when you are targeting a broad audience. 

If you select “Target Cost-Per-Acquisition” you can select the amount of money that you’re willing to spend per each email lead. You should select this strategy when you are targeting a very specific audience. 

For this example we are going to select “maximize conversions”. By default, the  

only network that you can target with lead capture campaigns is YouTube, so  

skip this menu and simply select your target “languages” and your target  

“locations”. Now scroll down and enter the name of the ad group for this  

campaign in the “ad group” field. 

Now click on the “demographics” menu to define your demographic targeting.  

Now click on the “audiences” menu to define the audience that will see your  


Now click on the “keywords” menu. Enter your target keywords and search  

terms in the keywords column. 

Now click on the “topics” menu to select your target topics from the display  


Now click on the “placements” menu if you want to select specific placements  

where you want to show your ads. 

Creating The Ad 

Now it is time to create the ad. Start by pasting the URL of the YouTube video  

that you’ll use to promote your opt-in page in the “search for a video” field.

Now enter your opt-in page URL in the “final URL” field. In our case, we’re going  

to enter the URL of a lead capture page that we created on “MailChimp”, a  

great email marketing tool that allows you to capture up to 2,000 subscribers for  


Now click on the “display URL” field to generate a display URL to show on your ad. You can customize this URL to make it more attractive and clickable. 

Now type a compelling call-to-action in the “call-to-action” field. Now add up to  

two keywords or one search term that relates to the content in your opt-in page  

to the “headline” field. 

Now select to “autogenerate” companion banner and enter a name for your  

video ad in the “ad name” field. Preview the appearance of your ad in the  

preview window on the right, then click on “save and continue”.

Now review your campaign settings on the following page and click on 

“continue to campaign”. With this easy campaign setup you will be able to add 

new leads to your email list every day that your YouTube ad runs!

Chapter 11: Creating A Video Ad 

Sequence Campaign 

Hello there everyone! One of the best ways to get your marketing message  

across is by doubling exposure to your brand with an ad sequence. 

Today we are going to show you how to increase exposure to your ads with a  

video sequence campaign on YouTube. 

Getting Started 

Start on your Google Ads dashboard. Click on the “campaigns” tab, and then  

click on the “plus” button. Now click on the “new campaign” option. 

There are two campaign goals that allow you to create ad sequence campaigns:  

“product and brand consideration” and “brand awareness and reach”.


You can also create ad sequence campaigns when you select to “create a  

campaign without a goal’s guidance”. For this lesson let’s select “create a  

campaign without a goal’s guidance” to create the campaign. 

Select “video” as your campaign type after selecting your campaign goal. Now select “ad sequence” as your campaign subtype. Ad sequence campaigns allow you to serve two or more video ads, in different ad formats, in a specific sequence, which can help you to better tell your brand’s story, or showcase a product line. You can click on “continue” to start creating the campaign. 

Creating The Campaign 

Now it is time to create the ad sequence campaign. Start by entering a name for  

your new campaign in the “campaign name” field. 

Now select your “budget type” and enter your average daily or total spend in  

the field below. Now select your “start and end dates”. 


When you create ad sequence campaigns, the bidding strategies available on the  

“bidding strategy” section are “target CPM” and “maximum cost-per-view”.  

Here we recommend you to select “target CPM” so you can test the response of  

your audience. You can then examine the audience that best responds to your  

ad sequences and switch to “maximum cost-per-view” to pay only for every  

qualified view your ad sequence gets. 

By default, the only network where you can show ad sequence campaigns is on YouTube, so you can skip the “networks” menu, and simply select your target “languages” and your target “locations”. 

Now it is time to define your audience targeting in the “people” section. Click on  

the “demographics” menu and select your demographic targeting. Now click on  

the “audiences” menu and define the attributes of the audience that will see  

your ads. We recommend you to select audience attributes using the “browse”  


Creating The Ad Sequence 

Now it is time to create the video ad sequence. Video ad sequences are created  

by steps. This means that you create one video ad to add to the sequence first,  

then you create another video ad and add it to the sequence, until you finish  

your sequence. 

In this lesson we are going to create an ad sequence with two videos. To add  

your first video to the ad sequence, click on “add sequence step”. 

You can create each video ad in a new window, and you have to start by  

entering the name of the ad group where you’ll save this video ad in the “ad  

group name” field.


Now you have to enter your bid. In this case, because we selected “target CPM”  

as our bidding strategy, we have to enter a “target CPM bid”. 

Now it is time to create the ad creative. Paste the URL of the first video that  

you’ll add to the ad sequence in the “search for a video” field. 

The ad formats available when you create ad sequence campaigns will depend  

on the length of each YouTube video that you add to the sequence. As you can  

see, because our first video is 25 seconds long, the ad formats available are “in 

stream ad” and “non-skippable in-stream ad”. For this example we are going to select “in-stream ad”. 

If you select “in-stream ad” as the ad format, proceed by entering your website URL in the “Final URL” field, and then click on the “display URL” field to generate a display URL for the ad.


You can check the “call-to-action” option to add a call-to-action to your video ad.  

Select “autogenerate” companion banner and enter a name for this video ad in  

the “ad name” field. Now click on “add to sequence”. 

Awesome! To add another video to the ad sequence you’ll simply have to click  

on “add sequence step”. Now proceed just like you did when you added the first  

video to the sequence. Enter a name for the ad group in the “ad group name”  

field. Now enter your target bid in the “bidding” field. 

Now paste the URL of the second YouTube video that you’ll add to the sequence  

in the search for a video” field. 

As you can see here, we can select “bumper ad” and “non-skippable in-stream  

ad” as ad formats because we inserted a video that is 7 seconds long. For this  

example we’ll select “bumper ad” as the ad format. 

The info that you entered to the first video ad, including your “final URL”, will be  

added by default to this ad, but you can change it if needed. Now enter a name  

for the ad in the “ad name” field and then click on “add to sequence”. 

You can keep adding videos to the ad sequence simply by clicking on “add  

sequence step”. When you are done adding your videos to the sequence, click  

on “save and continue”. Review your campaign settings on the following page  

and then click on “continue to campaign”. 

And that is it! You can now start creating YouTube ad campaigns that will hook viewers with more than one video!


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