Youtube Ads Training Guide /PART #1


Welcome to the latest and very easy to apply “YouTube Ads” training, designed to take you by the hand and walk you through the process of getting the most out of YouTube Ads in 2019-20, on behalf of your business. 

I’m very excited to have you here, and i know that this will be very helpful for you.

This exclusive training will show you step-by-step, topic by topic, and tool by tool, what you need to know to dominate YouTube Ads, in the easiest way possible, using the most effective tools and in the shortest time ever. 

This training is comprised of 20 training chapters, ready to show you the latest YouTube Ad Strategies Through 2019-20. 

This Is Exactly What You Are Going To Learn: 

Chapter 1: What Are YouTube Ads All About? 

Chapter 2: Getting Your Channel And Website Ready For YouTube Ads 

Chapter 3: Setting Up A Basic YouTube Ads Campaign  

Chapter 4: How To Promote Your Stuff In Recommended Videos And On  

YouTube Search 

Chapter 5: Generating Qualified Website Traffic With YouTube Ads 

Chapter 6: Generating More Sales With A Product Consideration Campaign On YouTube

Chapter 7: Generating Cheap Video Impressions With Skippable In-Stream Ads 

Chapter 8: Getting More Qualified Views With Bumper And non-skippable Video Ads

Chapter 9: Reaching More Mobile Users With An Optimized Outstream Video Ad 

Chapter 10: Generating Email Leads With A YouTube Ads Campaign 

Chapter 11: Creating A Video Ad Sequence Campaign 

Chapter 12: How To Create The Perfect YouTube Ad Creative In 2019-20 

Chapter 13: How To Add Interactivity To Your YouTube Ads In 2019-20 

Chapter 14: How To Create Advertiser-Friendly Videos And Avoid Violating Ad  

Policies In 2019-20 

Chapter 15: YouTube Ads Best Practices For Marketers In 2019-20 

Chapter 16: Advanced YouTube Ads Tips and Tricks That Work In 2019-20 

Chapter 17: Do's And Don’ts 

Chapter 18: Premium Tools And Services To Consider 

Chapter 19: Shocking Case Studies 

Chapter 20: Frequently Asked Questions  

Well, It’s Time For You To Start Getting The Most Out Of YouTube Ads In 2019- 

20, On Behalf Of Your Business. 

I know you'll love this training.

Chapter 1: What Are YouTube Ads AllAbout?

As you might already know, YouTube  

is part of the Google network, which  

is itself a big and very popular  

advertising platform. 

Google Ads, formerly known as  

Google AdWords, is the service within  

the Google network that is designed  

to allow people and businesses to  

create and run their own advertising campaigns. 

YouTube Ads are video advertising campaigns that are created and run from a  

Google Ads account linked to a YouTube channel. In other words, YouTube Ads  

are YouTube videos that are promoted through the Google Ads network. 

Basically, any video that is uploaded to YouTube can be an ad. YouTube Ads run  

on YouTube, on the Google network, and on partner networks. 

The most common type of YouTube ads are pre-roll ads, which are those ads  

that play before you watch a video on YouTube. 

Those videos are uploaded and promoted by content creators and advertisers,  

who connect their YouTube channels to their Google Ads account so they can  

easily add their YouTube videos to video ad campaigns on Google Ads.

Video ads on YouTube can roll before a video, during a video, or after a video  

ends. Some video ads on YouTube can be skipped by viewers, while some can’t  

be skipped. This depends on the type of video ad format chosen by the  

advertiser during the campaign setup. 

Why Are YouTube Ads Important In 2019

There are many more people watching  

YouTube videos than TV in 2019. On  

average, people from around the  

world watch more than a billion hours  

of video on YouTube A DAY. 

Besides that, content creators from all possible niches are now making a living  

on YouTube. Small content creators have audiences in the thousands, while  

popular content creators have audiences in the millions. 

The average watch time we mentioned plus a content creator’s reach make  

YouTube Ads more relevant than any other form of advertising in 2019, including  

traditional TV ads and display ads. 

How Can YouTube Ads Help Your  

Business In 2019? 

YouTube Ads are very affordable. You  

can generate thousands of views and  

impressions for as little as $5 a day,  

whereas a traditional TV ad campaign  

can cost you $100,000 or more.

YouTube Ads allow you to narrow your reach and to define your audience. This  

means that a typical YouTube Ad campaign will let you decide exactly who you  

want to target, when, and where! Also, you can modify a YouTube Ad campaign  

on the fly, from any device, without extra costs. 

YouTube Ads will help you achieve any type of marketing goal, such as  

increasing sales, growing your email list, or getting more website traffic, no  

matter the size of your business. 

Are you ready to learn how to crush it with YouTube Ads in 2019 and beyond? If  

the answer is YES, then let us show you how to get started the right way, step  

by step, in the following lesson!

Chapter 2: Getting Your Channel And  

Website Ready For YouTube Ads 

Hello there friends! YouTube is increasingly becoming the perfect advertising  

channel for online marketers, and your best choice today has been to get  


Now, there are a couple of things that you have to do before you can create  

your first video ad campaign on YouTube. In this lesson we are going to show  

you how to prepare your YouTube channel and your website for YouTube ads,  

the right way, step by step. 

Linking Your YouTube Channel To A Google Ads Account

You’ll have to link your YouTube channel to a Google Ads account in order to  

advertise your videos. All you need is an active Google Ads account to get  


First, go to your YouTube channel’s studio from anywhere on YouTube by  

clicking on the account icon in the top right corner and then click on the  

“YouTube studio” button. Now click on the “settings” tab located in the left 

hand menu. Now move over the “other settings” tab and then click on the  

“advanced channel settings” link. 

Scroll down the new page and locate the “AdWords account linking” section.  

Click on the “link an AdWords account” button. 

Now you can link this channel with a Google Ads account. First, click on the  

“AdWords For Video” link. 

You will be redirected to your Google Ads account. Once in your Google Ads  

account you have to locate and copy your “customer ID”. You will find it in the  

top-right corner, right beside the profile icon. 

Go back to the YouTube channel tab and paste your “customer ID” in the  

“customer ID” box, then click on “next”. Now assign a name for your linked  

AdWords account and set permissions for the account. These permissions  

include “view counts and call-to-action”, “remarketing” and “engagement”. We  

recommend you to leave all permissions checked. Now click on “finish”.  

Now your YouTube channel is linked to Google Ads. Next up you have to  

approve the linked YouTube account on the Google Ads account. Start by going  

to your connected Google Ads account. Now click on the “tools” tab located in  

the top bar menu, then click on the “linked accounts” option under “setup”.

Once in the “linked accounts” page locate the “YouTube” column and click on  

“details”. Now check the “link requests” column and click on “view request”.  

Now click on “approve”. 

Now your YouTube channel is fully linked to Google Ads and you can start  

running YouTube Ads campaigns! 

Setting Up Conversion Tracking On Your Website 

Certain YouTube Ads campaign setups will require you to set up conversion  

tracking on your website. If you don’t set up conversion tracking, you won’t be  

able to optimize campaigns for generating website traffic or capturing leads. 

The good news is that setting up conversion tracking is very easy. Start on your  

Google Ads account. You can sign in to Google Ads by going to  

“” on your browser while logged in to your Google account.  

Please memorize this step, because you will set up all your YouTube Ad  

campaigns from your Google Ads dashboard.

Alright, now click on the “tools” tab located in the top bar menu and then click  

on the “conversions” option under “measurement”. 

On the next page, click on the “plus” button to create a new conversion to  

track. On the following page, select “website”. 

Next up you have to set up the conversion tag. A conversion tag is a tracking  

code that is optimized to track conversions on your website. 

Start by selecting a conversion category. You can track “purchase”, “lead”,  

“page view”, “sign-up”, and “other”. For this example we are going to select  

“other” to simply track clicks and activity. Now enter a name for your conversion  

in the “conversion name” field. 

Now you have to select a conversion value. Conversion values are used to record  

the value of a conversion when it happens. You can “use the same value for  

each conversion” if you’re tracking leads or sales of products with the same  


You can “use different values for each conversion” if you’re tracking sales of  

products with different prices. 

For this example, we are going to select “don’t use a value for this conversion”  

because we’ll be tracking all conversions in general. 

Now select conversion count. You can select how many conversions are  

recorded per click. It is recommended that you select “every” if you want to  

track individual conversions when they matter, such as product sales. 

It is recommended that you select “one” when it is enough to count a single  

conversion after a click, such as when leads sign-up to a newsletter from any of  

your several opt-in forms on your website.

Now click on “create and continue”. Congratulations! Now that you’ve set up  

your conversion action, you have to add it to your website. 

Start by clicking on “install the tag yourself”. Now locate the “global site tag”  

and copy it to the clipboard. 

Now you have to add it to your website. To add this code to your website, you  

will need administrative access to the website code. 

In this example we are going to add the code to a WordPress website. If you are  

using WordPress, you can access the website code through the theme editor. 

Start on the WordPress site dashboard, move over the “appearance” tab, and  

click on the “theme editor” option. Now move over the “theme files” menu and  

click on “theme header”. 

Now locate the “<head>” and “</head>” tags in the website code. Paste the  

“global site code” in between these tags.  

Now go back to the Google Ads page and copy the “event snippet” code. With  

this code you can track conversions on “page load” or “click”. For this example  

we are going to track conversions on “click”. 

Copy the “event snippet” code, go back to the code editor in WordPress, and  

paste this code right under the “global site tag” code. Now click on “update  


Go back to the Google Ads page after updating the site’s code and click on 

“next”. Conversion tracking is fully set up now, so you can click on “done”. 

Awesome! Now you can start creating YouTube Ads campaigns.

Chapter 3: Setting Up A Basic 

YouTube Ads Campaign 

Hey there friend! Setting up your first advertising campaign on YouTube is really  

easy, you just have to know where to get started. 

Today we are going to walk you through the creation of a basic YouTube ads  

campaign. From signing in to the proper advertising platform, to preparing the  

video that you want to promote, you’ll learn all it takes to set up and launch the  

best possible YouTube ad in a matter of minutes! 

Getting Started 

You can no longer promote YouTube videos or create video ad campaigns  

directly from your YouTube studio. Instead, all YouTube ad campaigns can now  

be created through Google Ads.

To access Google Ads, all you have to do is go to “” in your  

browser while logged in to your Google account. Make sure to sign in to the  

Google Ads account that you linked to your YouTube channel! 

Creating A Video Ad Campaign For YouTube 

Now that you’re logged in to Google Ads, click on the “campaigns” tab. On the  

following page, click on the “plus” button, and then on “new campaign”. 

When you create a new ad campaign on Google Ads, you will be suggested to  

select a campaign goal. When you select a goal, the new campaign will be  

optimized to meet the goal you selected, such as boosting sales or generating  

more website traffic. 

Now, you might simply want to promote a video from your channel, or you may  

just be interested in creating a quick, basic video ad campaign for YouTube,  

without optimizations. In that case, you’ll just have to click on the “create a  

campaign without a goal’s guidance” option.


Now you have to select “video” as your campaign type. You always have to  

select this campaign type when creating YouTube ads.  

After selecting “video” as your campaign type, you’ll have to select a campaign  

subtype. The available campaign subtypes will vary depending on the campaign  

goal that you choose. For this campaign we are going to select “custom video  

campaign”. This campaign subtype will allow us to select a single, basic type of  

video ad format during set up, and it is the recommended campaign subtype to  

select when creating basic YouTube ads campaigns. 

You can click on “continue” to move to the next step once you make all your  

selections on this page. 

Now it is time to set up the actual campaign. Start by typing the name of your  

new campaign in the “campaign name” field. 

Now scroll down to set up your “budget”. First, select the budget “type”. Select  

“daily” if you want to spend a specific amount of money a day on YouTube Ads.  

You can spend as little as $1 and get good results! 

Or select “campaign total” if you want to spend a specific amount for the total  

duration of the campaign. Be careful in case you assign a campaign total, as you  

can easily spend $50 fast and not see results because campaign totals don’t  

allow you to test and optimize with the same flexibility as a daily spend. Now  

enter the amount you want to spend below, after selecting the budget type. 

Next up select the campaign’s “start date” and “end date”. You can start  

running ads as soon as they’re approved, or you can select a date to run them  

later. You can opt to run ads indefinitely by selecting “none” as your end date,  

or you can select a specific end date.

Next up you can select a custom “bidding strategy”. The default bidding  

strategy will be selected according to the campaign goal you choose, but you  

can change it in the “bidding strategy” menu. 

Basically, all bidding strategies are based on “costs per view” and “costs per  

mile” that are optimized for each campaign goal. Please note that not all types  

of bidding strategies will be available for all campaign goals. 

Next up you have to select your target “languages”. For example, if you only  

want to reach viewers that speak English, you simply have to click on the “enter  

a language” field, and then select “English” from the language menu. 

You can also select your target “locations”. You can target “all countries and  

territories”, specific locations that speak your target language, or “custom”  


Now you have to enter a name for the ad group where you’ll save your ads.  

Here you’ll simply have to type the ad group name in the “ad group name” field. 

You can further refine your target audience in the “people” section. Here you  

can define “demographics” by “gender”, “age”, “parental status”, and  

“household income”, as well as “audiences” by attributes such as “interests”  

and “intent”. You can make a better use of your ad spend by defining your  

target audiences in this section. 

In the “content” section you can narrow your reach by showing your video ads  

to people who use specific keywords and search terms. You’ll simply have to  

enter your target keywords and the search terms that are most relevant to your  

business in the “keywords” box. Each keyword and search term that you enter  

here have to be separated by a line.

You can also show your video ads on content about specific subjects by selecting  

topics. You simply have to click in the “topics” field and then select one or more  

topics from the topics menu. 

You can go even more granular by only showing your video ads in very specific  

placements. Click on the “placements” menu and then enter a keyword or  

phrase to look for placements on YouTube and around the web. 

You will get suggestions based on the keywords you entered as well as the  

average number of impressions per week that you can get on each placement. 

Next you have to enter your maximum bid in the “bidding” section. Here you  

simply have to enter the maximum amount that you are willing to pay per view  

or per mile. 

Creating The Video Ad 

Now it is time to add and customize the video ad. Start by pasting the URL of the  

YouTube video that you are going to promote in the “your YouTube video” field.

You will be able to select a custom video ad format after you load your video  

from the URL. For basic YouTube Ads campaigns, the available ad formats will  

depend on the length of your video. 

If your video is 15 seconds or longer, you can create skippable “in-stream” ads,  

which are video ads that appear before, during, or after another YouTube video,  

and “video discovery ads”, which appear as recommended videos and in search  

results pages. 

If your video is 6 seconds long, you can create non-skippable “bumper ads”,  

which are short video ads that appear before, during, or after another YouTube  


The most basic and more common video ad format is “in stream”, which we’ll  

select to finish setting up this YouTube Ads campaign. 

When you select the “in stream ad” format, you’ll just have to enter your  

business landing page URL in the “final URL” field, and a display URL in the  

“display URL” field. 

Then you have to select if you want to “autogenerate companion banner from  

videos from your channel” or to “upload” your own companion banner image. 

Then you have to enter the name of your new YouTube ad in the “ad name”  

field. You can check how your video ad will look on different placements in the  

preview window on the right. 

You can click on “save and continue” when you are ready to launch your new 

campaign. Now review your campaign settings on the next page and click on 

“continue to campaign”. Awesome! Now you’ve just launched your first 

YouTube ads campaign the right way.

Chapter 4: How To Promote Your  

Stuff In Recommended Videos And  

On YouTube Search 

Hello there everyone! YouTube is the most popular video streaming platform  

around, the second most used search engine after Google itself, and the third  

most visited website on the planet.  

With more than 3 billion searches a month, it would be foolish not to advertise  

your content to video search users, so today we are going to teach you how to  

create “discovery ads” to promote your stuff on recommended videos and on  

search results, step by step. 

Getting Started

Log in to your Google Ads account, and click on the “campaigns” tab located in  

the left-hand menu. Now click on the “plus” button and then on the “new  

campaign” option. 

You don’t have to select a specific campaign goal to create discovery ads, so  

you’ll simply have to select the “create a campaign without a goal’s guidance”  

option on the campaign goal selection screen. 

Now select “video” as your campaign type and then “custom video campaign”  

as your campaign subtype. Click on “continue” to move to the next step. 

Creating The Campaign 

Now it is time to create the video ad campaign. Start by entering a name for  

your new campaign in the “campaign name” field. 

In the “budget” section select “daily” as your budget type and enter your daily  

spend in the field below. Now select your “start and end dates”. On “bidding 

strategy” select “maximum cost-per-view”. By selecting this bidding strategy  

you’ll only pay every time that a viewer watches your video ad. 

Now click on the “networks” menu and deselect the “video partners on the  

display network” option. This will allow you to put all your ad spend on  

YouTube. Now select your target “languages” and your target “locations”. 

Now it is time to create the ad group for this campaign. Start by entering the  

name of the ad group in the “ad group name” field. 

Now move to the “people” section. Click on the “demographics” menu and  

select your demographic targeting. Now click on the “audiences” menu and  

define your target audience. We recommend you to select specific audience  

attributes from the “browse” menu. 

Now move to the “content” section. Click on the “keywords” menu and type  

your target keywords and search terms in the keywords column. Your video ads  

will be triggered in search results for viewers using the keywords that you enter  

here. Remember to separate each keyword by a line. 

Now click on the “topics” menu and select the type of content that you want to  

show your ads on. Videos that cover the topics that you select in this section will  

trigger your ads in the recommended videos feed. 

Now click on the “placements” menu. Here you can select specific placements  

where to show your videos. For example, if you want your video ads to appear  

on a specific YouTube video, you have to type the name or URL of the video in  

the search address, and then to select it from the results.

Now move over to the “bidding” section and enter your maximum cost-per-view  

bid in the “maximum cpv” field. This is the maximum amount that you are willing  

to pay for each view of your video. 

Creating The Ad 

Now it is time to create your video ad. Start by pasting the URL of your video  

that you want to promote in the “search for a video” field. Now select “video  

discovery ad” as your ad format. 

Now select a thumbnail. Select carefully, as this is the thumbnail that viewers  

will see on search results and on the recommended feed. 

Now enter a headline that is less than 100 characters long. Add your target  

keywords and search terms in this headline to maximize click through rates. 

Now add a benefit of your brand or offer, a keyword, or a search term to the  

“description 1” and “description 2” fields. Each description has to be less than 35 

characters long. Make sure to put the longest description in the “description 1”  


Now enter a name for your new video discovery ad in the “ad name” field. You  

can check how your ad will look on mobile and on desktop in the preview  

window to the right. 

Now click on “save and continue”. Review your campaign settings on the  

following page and then click on “continue to campaign”. Awesome! Your  

promoted video will start getting tons of views from search and the  

recommended feed as soon as it is approved!


Chapter 5: Generating Qualified Website Traffic With YouTube Ads 

YouTube is the third most visited website on the planet. With over 1.9 billion  

visits a month, it generates an outstanding volume of traffic that more and more  

marketers are learning to leverage. 

Today we are going to show you how to easily create a video advertising  

campaign that will help you to drive highly qualified traffic to your online  

business, the easy way! 

Getting Started 

Go to your Google Ads dashboard and click on the “campaigns” tab. Now click  

on the “plus” button and then on the “new campaign” option.

Now click on the “website traffic” option in the campaign goal selection screen.  

This option will provide you with campaign settings that are optimized to drive  

traffic to a third-party destination such as a landing page or your business  


Please note that you have to install conversion tracking on your website before  

you are able to select this campaign goal. If you haven’t done so, please follow  

the steps in the first lesson before you continue. 

Now select “video” as the campaign type, and then click on “continue”. 

Creating The Campaign 

Now it is time to create your new video ad campaign. Start by entering the name  

of the campaign in the “campaign name” field. 

Now move to the “budget” section and select your budget “type”, then enter  

your budget amount. Now select your “start and end dates”.

Now move to the “bidding strategy” section to select your bidding strategy.  

There are two types of bidding strategies available when you select “website  

traffic” as your campaign type. 

The “maximize conversions” strategy allows you to automate bids so you can  

get the most conversions within your budget. We recommend you to select this  

strategy when you are targeting a broad audience, and when you set low  

campaign budgets. 

The “Target Cost-Per-Acquisition” strategy allows you to set the average  

amount that you’re willing to spend per conversion. We recommend you to  

select this strategy when you are targeting a very focused audience. This way  

you will only spend money on clicks that are more likely to convert. 

Now select your target “languages”. Then your target “locations”. Now scroll  

down and enter the name of the ad group for this campaign in the “ad group”  


Now move to the “people” section to define your audience. Click on the  

“demographics” menu to define your demographic targeting. 

Now click on the “audiences” menu to define the attributes of the audience that  

will see your ads. The easiest way to select attributes from this screen is by  

clicking on the “browse” tabs, and then by selecting them directly from the  

display menu. 

Now move to the “content” section to narrow your reach. First, click on the  

“keywords” menu. Enter your target keywords and search terms in the  

keywords column, each one separated by a line. Your video ads will be triggered  

on YouTube videos and channels that contain these keywords.

Now click on the “topics” menu to select a topic from the display menu. Your  

ads will be triggered on videos and content that cover your selected topics. 

Now click on the “placements” menu. Here you can select specific placements  

to show your ads. For example, if you want to show your video ads on a high 

traffic YouTube video, you’ll simply have to type the name or URL of the video in  

the placements search bar, and then to select it from the results. 

Creating The Ad 

Now it is time to create the ad. Start by pasting the URL of the YouTube video  

that you want to use to promote your online destination in the “search for a  

video” field. 

Now enter your landing page or website URL in the “final URL” field. Now click  

on the “display URL” field to load a display URL to show on your ad.

Now type a compelling call-to-action in the “call-to-action” field. You can use up  

to 10 characters. Now type a headline containing one or two of your target  

keywords, or a search term. Here you can use up to 15 characters. 

Now select to “autogenerate” companion banner, or to “upload an image” for  

your companion banner. 

Now enter a name for your video ad in the “ad name” field. You can check how  

your ad will look in the preview window on the right. 

Now click on “save and continue”, and then review your campaign settings on  

the following page. Click on “continue to campaign”. Your new traffic campaign  

will be reviewed and launched in a matter of minutes!


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