Youtube Ads Training Guide / PART #3

Chapter 12: How To Create The Perfect YouTube Ad Creative In 2019- 20

Believe it or not, there’s a science to  

creating the perfect video ad for  

YouTube. If you want to create  

video ads that stand out, you have  

to create something that is  

shareable and memorable. 

Here are the elements that you have to add to create the perfect YouTube ad  


Focus On The First 5 Seconds 

The majority of YouTube ads can be skipped after 5 seconds. This means that you have 5 seconds to capture the interest of the viewer. When you start producing a video for a YouTube ad, you have to make sure to create a hook that drives curiosity so the viewer is compelled to watch the rest of the ad. The best way to create a hook is by adding an element of surprise that intrigues the viewer and forces him or her to keep watching.

Call Out Members Of Your Audience 

A good way to grab the attention of  

the viewer is by calling him or her out  

through a label. This means that  

instead of referring to your product,  

you have to refer to the member of the audience watching the video ad. 

For example, if you are promoting gaming products, then you have to call out  

gamers in the audience. Or if you are targeting online marketers, then you have to call out marketers in the audience. 

Address Your Audience’s Needs And Wants

Two of the most powerful human motivators are fears expressed through need and desires expressed through wants. 

It is a well-known video marketing strategy to create videos that solve problems,  

and this strategy goes beyond that. What you have to do is to address a fear or a need directly on your copy. 

For example, if you’re advertising gardening equipment, you can address the  

need for a lawn mower by asking the viewer if he’s afraid that his house will be trapped under weeds if he doesn’t buy your lawn mower today.

Personalize Your Video Ads 

The previous elements work better  

when you introduce a real person to  

address the viewer in the ad. All you  

have to do is to have someone  

narrate your copy to the camera.  

This effect is especially powerful if you introduce your host during the first 5  

seconds. Have him or her talk naturally, and to look the viewer in the eye. 

Get Emotional 

Video ads are the perfect storytelling media for marketers. Video ads that stimulate emotions are much more memorable and effective. If you’ve ever been on YouTube, you’ve already seen how the biggest brands are the ones getting the most out of this strategy. 

You don’t need Christopher Nolan to direct your video ads to transmit emotions. All you have to do is to select a positive emotion to evoke and to build a narrative around it involving friendships, family, pets, and nostalgia shared by members of your target audience. 

Don’t Go Long 

Most successful video ads are 30 seconds long or shorter. Longer videos  

tend to lose the viewer’s interest, which can decrease the impact and effectiveness of your message. 

The only exceptions are promoted “how to” or “explainer” videos from your  


Emphasize Your Competitive Advantage

Tell your viewers why your offer is the best choice for them. Your competitive advantage can be anything that makes your product or service a more conscious choice, such as a lower price, better quality, free add ons, and so on. 

Use A Visual Call-To-Action 

It is crucial that you add a call-to-action  

to your video creative. The best  

approach is to add it at the end of the  

video, using graphics, overlay text, or  


Make sure this call-to-action is incorporated into the script and narrated.

Chapter 13: How To Add Interactivity 

To Your YouTube Ads In 2019-20 

Video is the most engaging type of media that advertisers can use to deliver their message. Users that have a positive experience with a video ad are 97% more likely to make a purchase. On YouTube, advertisers can make  

their video ads much more engaging by incorporating interactive elements into them. 

Today we’re going to discuss the different types of interactive elements that you  

can add to YouTube ads, and how to add interactivity to your ads, the easy way. 

Adding Cards 

Cards are clickable elements that you can add to your videos to showcase features of a product or service, as well as to promote other videos with a small preview card on the video that is playing.

To add Cards to a video, go to the “video manager” section of the YouTube  

“Creator Classic” dashboard, select the video to which you’ll add cards and click on “edit”. 

In the edit screen, click on the “cards” tab from the top bar menu. Then you will  

be able to select what type of card you’ll add to your video ad: 

“Channel Cards” will send viewers to a different channel when clicked. 

“Link Cards” will send viewers to an external URL when clicked. Please  

note that your channel needs to join the “YouTube Partner Program” to enable “Link Cards”. 

“Poll Cards” allows viewers to participate in a poll by voting directly on a video card. 

“Video or Playlist Cards” will send viewers to a different video or playlist  

when clicked. 

Click on “create” and start customizing your card with your own title, call to  

action, text, image and URL when it applies. Click on “Create Card” to finish. 

Adding Shopping Cards 

Shopping Cards are clickable  

elements that you can add to your  

video ads to promote a product and  

to send viewers to the product page  

when clicked. 

Shopping Cards can only be added to videos when you select “product  

consideration” as your campaign goal and “shopping” as the campaign subtype.

Please note that you need to link your Google Ads account to a Google Merchant  

account to run shopping campaigns. Shopping cards pull product information  

from your Google Merchant account and can be edited to add your own product  

information during setup. 

Shopping cards will be added by default to your video ad and all you have to do is select whether to promote all products in the linked Google Merchant account or to choose specific products when you start customizing a new campaign. 

If you want your Shopping card to promote all products, simply select the “None  

– use all products” option in the “Product Filter” setting. 

If you want your Shopping Card to promote a specific product from the Google Merchant account, select the “choose specific products” option. 

Adding End Screens 

End Screens are cards formatted to  

appear at the end of a video or ad and  

that are designed to show details  

about the product or service that you  

are advertising. 

There are two types of End Screens: 

“YouTube End Screens” can be added to any video and can be created  

from the YouTube Studio dashboard or from the Creator Studio Classic dashboard. 

“Auto End Screens” are auto-generated at the end of in-stream video ads  

and they’re generated using information about your product or service  

from your campaign.

“Auto End Screens” will show information such as the name of your product or  

service, the product icon, and the product page URL or landing page in your ad.  

When “Auto End Screens” are enabled, they will replace any End Screen you  

might have added to your video. 

By adding these interactive elements to your YouTube Ads, you can create  

additional opportunities to engage and convert, so don’t miss out!

Chapter 14: How To Create 

Advertiser-Friendly Videos And 

Avoid Violating Ad Policies In 2019- 


YouTube is the third most-visited  

website on the planet, and it has the  

largest library of video content in  

existence. Brands are flocking to the  

platform to advertise their stuff, and  

traffic is just huge. 

To keep everything under control,  

YouTube is very strict about what type of content brands advertise on the  

website, and it’s constantly reviewing and updating its ad policies. 

You don’t have to spend hours reading and understanding these ad policies  

though, because we’ve just created a list of essential guidelines you can follow  

to create advertiser-friendly videos and avoid violating ad policies this year and  


Create Videos That Are Focused  

On A Single Topic Or On Solving  

A Problem 

When you create videos to advertise,  

you have to make sure to create  

videos that are focused on a single  

topic, or that are focused on solving a single problem. 

Keeping your video content consistent, clear, and easy to understand is key.  

Video content that is unclear, that lacks editorial standards such as appropriate  

copy, that is not coherent and is unprofessional will not be approved by the  

advertising team. 

Always Identify Your Brand Or  


You have to always identify the  

entity that you are promoting.  

Include a logo that is clearly visible,  

the name of your brand or business, and showcase what you are selling.  

Video ads promoting an unidentified business won’t be approved. 

Always Proof-Read Your Scripts,  

Copy, And Ad Text 

You have to keep track of your scripts,  

your ad copy, and the text that you’ll  

include in your ads. Our 

recommendation is to create templates where you can insert the copy and text  

that will go into your ad, and to proof-read it alongside your video ad scripts. 

Video ads with grammar errors, bad punctuation, improper capitalization,  

improper spacing, and poor scripting won’t be approved. 

Don’t Advertise Poorly Produced  


You know not to upload poor quality  

videos, but quality is not always related to  

content. In order to be approved, videos  

intended for advertising have to be  

produced adequately. 

There are certain production issues that  

you are probably aware of, including illegible text, poor sound quality, blurry  

images, and unrecognizable visuals, but YouTube has specific guidelines that you  

should take note of: 

Images that are in the wrong position and images that don’t take the  

entire space of the chosen video format are not allowed. 

Distracting images such as strobing and flashing, which can cause damage  

to certain users. 

Videos that expand beyond the ad format and that mess the experience.

Keep Your Content Relevant 

The content in your video has to be  

relevant to your offer, to the fields  

submitted in the ad, and it has to  

represent the advertiser. 

Don’t use any video just to fill the ad. 

Don’t Submit Adult Content 

In most cases, mature content is restricted to  

protect the preferences of users. 

Sexually explicit content, violent content,  

content involving romance tours or mail  

brides, vulgarity, profanity, alcohol use and  

drug use, among other related content, is not  

advertiser-friendly and won’t run on most placements and locations. 

Don’t Promote Products In  

Controversial Categories 

Products such as counterfeit goods,  

dangerous items, or certain controversial  

products such as smart drugs, “miracle  

cures” or device jammers, as well as  

services that encourage dishonest behavior  

such as document forgery, false endorsements, and fake reviews are best not  


Always Check Whether You’re  

Using Copyrighted Material 

Something as innocent such as using  

video game music as background for  

your video ads can get you a copyright  

strike and account restrictions. To  

avoid this, always make sure that you are not using copyrighted materials  

without permission. 

These are key guidelines you have to adhere to if you want to create video ads  

that get approved right away, but you also have to take care of not violating  

certain policies when you are creating an ad campaign by following these tips: 

Don’t Misuse Ad Features 

This is a common “black hat” strategy  

that can easily get your Google Ads  

account suspended. 

Using ad features outside of their  

intended purposes is prohibited. 

For example, using ad extensions to repeat the name of the brand, spreading a  

single message across a headline, description, and call-to-action fields, or adding  

phone numbers or contact info in ad text. 

Don’t Abuse Ad Formats 

Another “black hat” strategy that can get your ad account in trouble is  

misleading viewers through the ad format.

Page 72 

Click here to access my exclusive Youtube Ads 2019-20 Video Training! 

Examples include inserting an animated 

game as a video, including modified 

URLs that are different from the display 

URL, and using modified clickability 


Chapter 15: YouTube Ads Best 

Practices For Marketers In 2019-20 

YouTube is full of brands and  

businesses that have tried and failed  

to properly advertise their stuff on  

the platform. While some like to  

blame saturation over their failure to  

get their ad spend back, we believe  

that the real reason why so many  

don’t do well is because they just ‘set and forget’. 

In this lesson we are going to discuss essential YouTube advertising best  

practices that any marketer has to apply to succeed in 2019 and beyond! 

Put Up A Dynamic YouTube  


YouTube advertising doesn’t start  

and end with your video ads. Your  

channel is as important as your video  

ads, and you can use it as one step in  

your marketing funnel.

This is because a lot of the viewers that you’ll reach will be more curious about  

your other videos than about your brand or your products. To find more of your  

videos, they will go to your channel first instead of to your website. 

At that point they’ll become potential leads, and if you want to move them  

further into your funnel then you have to put a channel where they can spend  

some time learning more about your brand or products. 

Some steps that you can take to put up a more dynamic channel include: 

Adding a “Channel Trailer” to your channel’s homepage 

Creating and uploading several “how to” and review videos 

Creating weekly videos to discuss news in your niche industry 

Creating Playlists 

Optimizing your channel’s “About” page 

Use Advanced Targeting  


The best way to run cost-effective  

and results-oriented YouTube ads  

campaigns is by using the advanced  

targeting options available during the campaign setup. 

So instead of focusing solely on demographics targeting, you should always  

leverage advanced targeting. You should especially focus on “topics” targeting  

and “placements” targeting to reach the audience that will find your ads to be  

truly relevant to their interests and needs.

Set A Frequency Cap 

You run the risk of spending too  

much money and causing ad fatigue  

by showing the same ad to the same  

users over and over if you don’t set a  

frequency cap. Frequency capping is  

the number of times that you’ll show an ad to the same user if he doesn’t watch  

it or doesn’t interact with it. 

You can set a frequency cap on each campaign by clicking on the “additional  

settings” menu during the campaign setup. Then you have to click on the  

“frequency capping” option. You can select “cap impression frequency” to limit  

the number of impressions per user and “cap view frequency” to limit the  

number of views per user. 

Select Detailed Thumbnails 

Always select the video still that best  

represents your message as your  

thumbnail. Remember that the  

thumbnail is what will expose your  

video ad on search results and on the  

“recommended videos” feed.  

Whether a user clicks on it or not will  

highly depend on how attractive it is. 

Keep Your Destination Simple

Landing pages with too much information can easily put off a potential lead. If  

you send an ad viewer to a landing page using a “sign up” CTA, but the page is  

full of text and other CTA buttons encouraging the visitor to take a different  

action, then he will simply not convert. 

What you have to do is to send viewers to a landing page that is simple, clean,  

with little text, and that has a single CTA button that is relevant to the CTA  

button in the video. 

Leverage Cards And Auto End  


We recommend you to include 

channel cards and video cards in your 

videos, and to enable “auto end 

screens” in all your campaigns to 

keep viewers interacting with your YouTube ads for longer and to create more 

opportunities to engage viewers with your other videos, your channel, and your 

external URLs. 

Chapter 16: Advanced YouTube Ads 

Tips and Tricks That Work In 2019-20

You can always take the lead when  

you know your way around things.  

That is why we, the experts, find  

the things we master to be easy. 

You don’t have to wait until you  

master YouTube ads to start  

crushing it, because we’re about to share our secrets with you. Here are our top  

tips and tricks to get the most out of YouTube Ads in 2019 and beyond! 

Create Different Campaign  

Segments For Different Ad  


All ad formats are different from each  

other because they reach audience  

members on different placements, at  

different customer stages. 

So while your competitors will be creating the same campaign segments for  

different campaign formats, your strategy will be to create different campaign  

segments for different campaign formats. 

For example, you can launch in-stream ad campaigns to target audience  

segments in the 35 to 54 year old age range, as that audience segment is more  

likely to watch long-form video ads, and bumper ad campaigns to target  

audience segments in the 18 to 25 year old age range, as people that age are  

more impatient with long-form video ads.

Apply This Crazy Ad  

Sequencing Idea 

Ad sequences are a great way to  

divide a campaign into a series of  

steps. They allow you to create a  

convenient funnel to encourage  

further engagement. 

Ad sequences work because they basically force viewers to watch a series of  

ads, one after the other. 

But if you want to launch a truly effective ad sequence campaign, we  

recommend you to try this ad sequencing idea: 

Add a “bumper ad” as the first step in your ad sequence. Use this short ad 

to tease your next video in the sequence with a question and a timer, or a  


Add an “in-stream” ad as the second step in your ad sequence. Use this  

long-form video ad to showcase your main offer. 

You can optionally add a “bumper ad” as the last step in your ad  

sequence. Use this short ad to close the sequence with a call-to-action! 

Advertise Sequential “How To”  

Videos As Content Series 

You can create several “how to” videos  

to promote your products or services  

and divide them into a series of steps  

that you can advertise as a content.


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