Super Affiliate Marketing Methods Exposed / PART #2

Guaranteed instant income, uncover an easy way to earn plutocrat money and let your passive income exceed your expenses, and become financially free. The simple steps are discussed in “Super Affiliate Marketing Methods Exposed”.

Chapter 4:

Utilize Squidoo and Hubpages

Squidoo and Hubpages are among the sites which helped me in my early days of affiliate marketing and I still utilize it to this day. They're among the original “user content generated” sites that took the net by surprise a couple of years back.

Sites To Utilize

Many sites have followed this pattern but Squidoo is still the leader of its sort so it’s one you mustn’t leave our of your affiliate marketing armory.

Essentially, Squidoo lets you produce a webpage called a “lens” where you are able to author about any topic you like. It’s a perfect place for website-less affiliate marketers to load up material and exhibit their offers. Anybody can join and utilize Squidoo for free. Once you've an account you will be reminded to begin constructing a lens.

As with constructing a blog, you need to have the theme for your lens 1st. After you get the Theme, you are able to go ahead and pick the last part of url for your fresh lens. The 1st part will be but after that you are able to decide on the words.

This is a dandy feature because you are able to add your keywords in the url. This will help your search engine rankings and pull in more individuals. So take some time when choosing your lens URL as you can’t change it once it’s complete.

Just like a blog, you would like to begin adding good relevant material to your lens. With Squidoo, you construct your lens by selecting modules to be appended. The best one for material is the “WRITE/TEXT” module. For your affiliate links, you are able to add them to the “WRITE/TEXT” module utilizing hyperlink code.

Graphics work in the “WRITE/TEXT” module likewise so you are able to link to the images too.

You decidedly want to add a “links list” module too where you are able to add your affiliate links easily and fast. There are a gang of modules to pick from but don’t go too overboard or your visitors will be distracted.

A Squidoo lens isn't unlike a blog. You should update it on a steady basis with new material. You can ping it after you update it (see the RSS feed in the sidebar). And like a blog or your own site, you are able to link from your ezine articles to your Squidoo lens.

Hubpages is very much like Squidoo. The SEs love it. It’s free to join and make as many pages as you wish. The key to getting high SE ranking with Hubpages is in the tags. When you make your hub page, you are able to pick out your tags (related keywords). These get picked up by the SEs so don’t miss them.

Add beneficial material on a steady basis, your affiliate links and affiliate banners and so forth. And ping it! Yes, you’ll be doing a lot of pinging so remember the multi-ping sites I mentioned earlier.

Chapter 5:

Utilize Social Media

Video is raging!, the 2nd most visited site in the world. I don’t need to go on any further about video, justthat you must be uploading videos to lever some of this traffic!

Video Rules is the number 1, but others include Google Video and Daily Motion.

Before you skip over this section considering “I can’t make videos”, guess again. It’s not as difficult as it seems. Begin with an idea (even common ideas are often the best) and you’ll be making short promotional videos you are able to upload very fast. Just remember, you don’t need to be Spielberg.

There a couple of tools that makes video creation simple. The very minimum/main tool you’ll need is a video editing/making software. Windows XP comes with Windows Movie Maker. This isa fine start but there's a plethora of movie making software out there free of charge and for purchase. Most paid ones have a free trial so try a few till you like one.

There are additional tools you’ll need depending upon the forms of video you want to make. Here are a few thoughts of types of videos you are able to make and the other tools you’ll need.

 Web camera – You can simply talk straight to the camera. Give a testimony, share a success story, and provide a review about the product/service you want to market. Tools needed: Web camera and mic.

 Screen capture – You can utilize screen capture software and give a walk through of the site you’re promoting. You can show how to use software or a particular feature. Tools needed: Screen capture software andmic.

 Handy cam – Get your acquaintance or a camera stand to film you as you do something silly (just a thought). Or go outdoors where there’s a nice background and give your little line of gab about the product you’re presenting. Tools needed: Cam Recorder

 Powerpoint – manufacture a bunch of screen shots with the main points of your message and run them through Power Point. You can add your own commentary over the top or merely have music. Tools needed: Microsoft Powerpoint (free trial download) and mic (optional).

 Photo slideshow – Like a Powerpoint clip but much simpler. Maybe the simplest technique of all. You don’t need to speak if you don’t prefer to, you just upload a bunch of graphics and music, press “make” and out comes a slideshow. Again there’s a bunch of slideshow software available free of charge, but you want one that lets you produce a movie file you can later upload to the video sharing sites.

So you’re all revved up about constructing your videos, but how is it going to get you traffic to your affiliate links? Here are a few points of advice. 1st, when you create a video, you want your URL to appear on the screen (if it's allowed at the sharing site).

1. You are able to do this by adding a watermark that’s constantly displayed. Most good software lets you add this.

2. Have an introduction and outro shot of just text showing your site URL/affiliate link with a subtle call to action.

3. Stick up a piece of card, paper or whiteboard, anything that you have written your URL on. This is the inexpensive foul way to do it, but it still works.

4. Say the name of your site or affiliate link in the video.

Next, when you upload your videos to Youtube and such, and when typing the description, you want to type your URL (affiliate link) at the outset of your description starting with the http:// This will then become a clickable link (except in Google Video). Viewers will see it and if they prefer to find out more, they’ll click and voila!

They’re considering your affiliate offer!

The hardest part earnestly is to come up with themes. The making part is truly fun. Basic themes work well but if you are able to produce something strange and cool, create a controversy, and then your video will go mega viral, sending traffic through the roof.

Chapter 6:
Forums And Social Sites

Forum marketing is a golden oldie but still a goody. Online forums are a place where you can encounter others with similar interests and share your expertness on the subject. Constructing trust and gaining social rank helpsindividuals will trust you and your testimonials.

Be Social

Nearly every niche you are able to remember has an online forum full of individuals with the same interest. If there's a niche without an online forum, jump on it! You could be the 1st one on it and take all the glory (and bucks). All jokes apart, forum marketing takes diplomacy. You can’t just jump on any forum and shriek “BUY MY EBOOK” or you’ll have a very curt stay there. Forums are satiated with truehearted members who know when spammers have hit the place.

Best thing is to begin as a regular person/member and begin meeting other members and add valuable info to threads. Forums let you have an individualized signature. This is a small section of webpage that will come out at the bottom of every post you make. In your signature you may have a message with your affiliate links and or banners with it. This is a process to advertise your affiliate recommendations without really screaming and giving the “hard sell”.

Frequently a forum will be run on PHPBB forum software. To add your signature in phpBB code, you'll need to utilize this rather than HTML.

[url=]YOUR MESSAGE[/url]

That’s for a text link, to lend an image and make it clickable, use the code beneath.



A few popular forums for net marketers are and Warrior forum doesn’t allow for a direct affiliate link, but hey, why not direct them to your article or blog or Squidoo lens? For net forums in other niches, just search for your topic and find one that attracts you. Like I said, there's likely to be a forum on every niche out there and if not, why not be the 1st one to begin one!

Social Networking sites like myspace and facebook are capital for marketers in other niches besides the “make money online” group. Treat them the same as you would a forum. The thing I like best about social media sites is that I may show my personality more through images, videos and my profile etcetera. I may likewise pick my friends and make/join groups. That way everybody gets connected a bit closer.

Want to begin your own social network group free of charge? Check out It’s free to join and use for as long as you like. It lets you the user begin your own social group on the matter of your choice. You can change the headers graphics and plug and play to build it to suit your application. Ning is decidedly one to bookmark!

The most crucial part about utilizing (or running) forums/social sites is to remain active. Naturally you also need to be helpful to show your expertness and be friendly too. Individuals will then know you are the real deal when you are a frequent contributor and prefer to know more about you and go snooping around your sites/blogs/affiliate links.

Chapter 7:
Exchange Traffic

The lucky last way I’ll share with you today is traffic exchanges. Once again, a golden oldie but still simple anda good free way to promote your affiliate links none theless.

Trade It

Traffic exchanges are an easy concept of “I’ll view your site if you view mine.” It works on a credit system. The more sites you “surf”, the more credits you gain. The more credits you gain, the more times your site will be revealed to other people who are surfing.

Traditionally, traffic exchanges are aimed at the “make income” type of crowd. If you Attempt to promote anything else, although you’ll get hits, you might be very frustrated that no-one buys your stuff. The most beneficial types of offers to market in traffic exchanges are ones that attract the “traffic exchange” crowd. They’re all about gratis, easy traffic. They like simple things. Easy money, simple traffic, simple

life ;) You’ll have much more success marketing something that's simple and catchy instead of an e-book store or some vitamin pills.

It’s simple to get rolling. You sign up for a gratis account, add your sites urls (affiliate links) and banners and then you go “browsing”. The site browsing system works on a timer. Commonly about 20-30 seconds. So you sit there and click through sites waiting for the timer to go down and you gain credits. It can be humdrum and your clicking finger can get painful so consider other ways to earn credits.

Browsing isn't the sole way to gain credits. Many traffic exchanges likewise have a mailing feature. Advertisers pay to send promotional e-mails to the traffic exchange members and members can gain credits when they open the email and click the link within. You are able to also gain credits by referring other people to the traffic exchange. When they sign up and begin browsing, some of the credits they earn go to you. Likewise, if they upgrade or make a purchase, you get a commission, so it’s a great deal! The other way to gain

credits is to become an upgraded member. Upgraded accounts likewise add new members to your downline automatically. When your downline members browse for credits, some of them go to you. And when they make a purchase, you get paid a commission!

Aside from browsing and opening emails, some traffic exchanges have a site banner exchange system you are able to utilize. You merely add some code to YOUR site/blog which will display a banner ad. For every time YOUR site/blog is viewed and the banner displayed, you get credit for YOUR banner to be displayed on another person’s site/blog who's added the code to THEIR site. It’s cool because your site can gain credits while you're away from the main traffic exchange site.

Traffic exchange traffic can be utilized really effectively, if you know how to do it correctly. They’re great for instantaneous traffic when you need it, but remember to pick an offer the traffic exchange crowd will enjoy.

Wrapping Up

There you have it. The best ways to make the most money with only 11% effort. I know I shared a lot of info and some of it might have gone over your head, but save this book in a safe place and refer to it as often as you need.

Attempt as much as you are able to carry out the ideas and tips in this

book and you’ll have no excuse for not seeing good results with your affiliate marketing for a long time to come and becoming a super





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